How to Raise Empathic Children

Empathy is the ability to connect emotionally with others; to see things from their point of view and to imagine how they might feel. Many people would argue that empathy is at the heart of being human. Still, we have all encountered people at different times in our life who seriously lack this skill. In a world where parents are reminding their children to choose kindness, helping them develop empathy is critical.

There are multiple ways to cultivate empathy with your children and in your family. It may surprise you to learn that you can find most of these teachable moments happen right at home.

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Supporting your Student from High School to College During the Covid-19 Crisis

The transition from high school to college is a significant milestone for many. This summer, students and parents have many more questions than answers when it comes to the upcoming year of higher education. Graduating seniors are coping with a major transition during a time when routine buffers to stress may be harder to access. Despite this challenge, there is a silver lining to this summer which can provide families with an opportunity to give support and information, prioritize mental health and coping, and collaboratively plan for a smoother transition. Here are some ways to support your student before they embark on their next great adventure.

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