Cognitive Strategies to Combat Covid Fatigue

Covid fatigue, also known in popular media as pandemic fatigue, does not involve being physically tired. Rather, Covid fatigue is a complex group of emotions that involves any combination of the following:

  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Sadness
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Resentment

It is important to realize that most of us will experience one or more of these emotions at different times throughout this challenging pandemic. This is normal and to be expected. Covid fatigue is only problematic when it leads to undesirable behaviors and actions that violate public health recommendations. For example, people who feel lonely and bored might seek out large social gatherings like large parties or crowded bars. People who feel anger and resentment at local health recommendations or restrictions might reject social distancing or mask guidelines.

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Sibling fighting:
How to help your children get along

Arguments and disagreements among siblings are a normal experience that occasionally happen in all homes. But what if the fighting becomes an every day occurrence? Children experience stress and frustration within sibling relationships and often do not have the necessary skills to deal with the situation. Here are a few things you can do as a parent to help them.

Identify triggers

Help your kids identify the situations that they find the most frustrating. Start by observing and then pointing out patterns in their behaviors and responses. Teach them that walking away from a situation where the other sibling is starting to get upset can often interrupt the argument before it erupts. You can show your children how to identify the signs of anger in each other. For example, “How does your sister look when she gets angry at you? What are the warning signs?” Your child can then use these signals to walk away, take a break, or change the subject.

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