Digital Self-harm: What Parents Need to Know

Self-harm is defined as the infliction of pain onto oneself and can be seen as a symptom of several different mental health disorders, especially in adolescents. Self-harm behaviors typically include restrictive and binge eating, cutting, hitting, scratching, burning, and picking. There are a variety of reasons why people may self-harm and research suggests that these are the most common:

  • Expressing or coping with emotional distress
  • Trying to feel in control
  • A way of punishing oneself
  • Relieving emotional tension or pain

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The Not So Usual Suspects: Less Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Kids

When parents think about signs of depression, they might first look to symptoms that friends or family have had. We typically think of someone who is depressed as being sad or down all the time.

There are some less common signs that might serve as clues that a child is depressed and these include: irritability, academic decline, changes in weight, and self-harm behaviors.

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