Back-to-School Tips for Anxious Kids (and Parents)

As the end of Summer quickly approaches, both kids and parents are anticipating the next transition of back-to-school. This can be a stressful time for both kids and their families.

If your child is anxious  leading up to the start of school, these tips can help.

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Signs of a Healthy Break up

Whether you are the one ending the relationship or on the receiving end of the break up, the termination of an important relationship is never fun. A healthy end to a relationship can actually be as important as the relationship itself. Further, the factors involved in a break up can affect the way we manage future relationships. Although there are often negative emotions involved in a split, it is entirely possible for the end of a relationship to be rooted in principals of mutual respect, dignity, and good communication.

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The Grief We Feel

Grief is typically associated with the death of a loved one, but it can follow any type of loss. Researchers have spent decades studying different types of loss and one term that is resonating with a lot of people right now is called collective grief.

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When Someone You Love has Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are sudden and intense episodes of mental and physical anxiety that typically begin without warning. A panic attack can be very frightening to experience and it can also be scary to witness it happen to someone you care about.

If you love someone who has panic attacks, there are several things you can do (and a few things you should avoid doing) to help.

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The Playdate Playbook

Parents, we have made it to October. The time in the school year when many kids have transitioned into their classroom. Sometimes this transition is met with great success and other times it is burdened with multiple stressors. Fall is also the season of sports and after school activities. The lazier and less structured days of Summer are well behind us. Your children are hopefully making new friends or strengthening the bonds of past friendships. You may be hearing the chatter of making plans at the end of the school day and you are likely bracing yourself for the age old question; “Can (SO AND SO) come over to play, PLEEEEASEEEEE.”

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