Psychologists in Westport, CT

Adult Therapy


Adult Therapy in westport

Adult Therapy

We provide individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness and acceptance strategies, and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for adults. In addition, we incorporate dialectical behavior therapy skills into our work with clients experiencing strong emotions, but do not offer comprehensive DBT in our practice. When indicated, we provide Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) and Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Diagnoses and Areas of Therapy Expertise

Anxiety Disorders● Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).● Worry.● Social Anxiety.● Panic Disorder and Panic attacks.● Specific Phobias.● Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).● Health Anxiety.● Postpartum Anxiety.
Mood Disorders● Depression.● Postpartum Depression.● Bipolar Disorder.● Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Related Disorders.● OCD.● Trichotillomania.● Body Dysmorphic Disorder.● Skin Picking.
InsomniaAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Health Behavior Change● Smoking Cessation.● Behavioral Weight Management.● Stress Management.
Emotion Regulation Difficulties
Life Stressors● Adjustment to college and graduate school.● Coping and Stress.● Relationship Problems.● Medical Conditions.● Procrastination and Avoidance.● Perfectionism.● Grief and Loss.● Alcohol and Drug Use by a Loved one.
Parenting Consultation

Treatment Approaches

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or “CBT” is an evidence-based, time-limited, and solution-focused therapy based on the premise that much of the pain and suffering individuals experience comes from negative thinking patterns and associated ineffective behavioral responses, which work together to maintain emotional and psychological distress. These patterns of thinking, acting, and feeling are so automatic that people are often not aware of them.

CBT is a collaborative approach where we work together with the client to set goals, uncover problematic thinking styles and unhelpful behaviors, and replace them with skills including a) balanced thinking strategies, b) positive behavioral coping styles, and c) mindful/planned responses to strong emotion. This restructuring of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors leads to improvements in psychological well being. CBT empowers individuals to problem-solve and cope with their own difficulties while working to build a more fulfilling life.

By far, CBT has the most research evidence to support its efficacy in treating anxiety (GAD, worry, panic disorder, social anxiety) and depression in adults, as well as a number of other difficulties, including OCD, Insomnia, ADHD, procrastination, and relationship distress. For many problems, CBT has been found to be either as effective as medication or considered the best treatment option when combined with medication (i.e., overusing medication alone). CBT can be implemented with or without medication, depending on the nature and severity of the presenting problem. The client is always an active participant in setting goals collaboratively with Drs. Caron and Allen, and the client will always be informed as to the reasoning for therapeutic suggestions.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Like traditional CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an empirically supported treatment for depression and has growing research support across clinical trials for its efficacy in treating anxiety disorders. Whereas CBT teaches skills to balance out people’s biased thinking patterns and behavioral responses, ACT encourages clients to use mindfulness to notice their thoughts and feelings and not let those thoughts and feelings direct their behavior. Instead, we work with clients to clarify their values and engage in committed action (i.e., behavior) towards those values, regardless of what their internal events (thoughts, feelings, urges) may be telling them. Using mindfulness and acceptance strategies, clients become more psychologically flexible to make positive choices in their lives, which leads to greater life satisfaction, accomplishment, and ultimately less psychological distress.