All About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: What There Is to Know

The most important thing you need to know about cognitive behavioral therapy is this:

It works. It really, really works.

Of course, this type of treatment will not be right for everyone, but countless people have come forward claiming CBT has brought them numerous benefits. But what exactly does CBT entail? Here we explain everything for you.

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6 Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder (And How to Overcome It)

Most of us experience bouts of anxiety every so often. Job interviews, public speaking, first dates, financial issues, or family gatherings can cause our anxiety levels to spike. But everyday anxiety is different from an anxiety disorder. While it may not always be easy to make the distinction, anxiety disorders are actually the most common mental illness in the United States. These disorders affect 40 million adults over age 18, which is roughly 18% of the entire population. A psychologist can help you to determine whether you may have an anxiety disorder and will work with you to develop skills to overcome it. That’s why cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety is incredibly effective; it allows you to recognize and re-pattern your thoughts and behavior so that you are in control of your anxiety, rather than your anxiety controlling you. If you exhibit any of these six signs of anxiety disorders, counseling may be able to help you tremendously.

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